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Quarter Monthly Recap: Jan-March

During the first quarter of ACC, clients dove into the art of manifestation!

We recapped 2023 and celebrated our achievements! We then picked our 2024 theme words, set new goals, and focused in on how to build habits to support them. It's only been 3 months into the New Year, yet so many clients have already achieved things on their lists! But! The best part is that they got to see the world have their back!

The Law of Attraction states "Like attracts like" so we must look inward and be aware of our thoughts and beliefs. You create your reality and that's one powerful responsibility! A responsibility each one of the ACC clients have taken on through learning the tools inside manifestation like maniscribing, meditation, synchronicity, and taking action! All while keeping a positive mind through empowering reframes! This is no small accomplishment and through the support of ACC and the community it brings, anything is possible.

Next up! ACC will be diving into Power Dynamics, Directness, & Boundaries!

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